“Prayer That Works- How To Pray Like A Righteous Man”- Sunday, August 13, 2023
Chris Beck   -  

How To Pray Like A Righteous Man

1 Kings 18:22-40

What Makes Elijah’s Prayer a Good Example…

  1. He “worked” at his prayers.
  2. He was specific in his prayers.
  3. He prayed for something he knew God wanted to do.
  4. He involved someone else in his prayers.
  5. He prayed with expectancy.
  6. He prayed with a hope that his prayers would be a witness.

Bottom LineTo become more effective in our praying, we need to remember – it is not the arithmetic of our prayer, the rhetoric of our prayer, or the geometry of our prayer. It is the fervency of our prayer that wins the day and unleashes the power of God!