CentriFuge Camp

June 28 - July 3 2021  |  Mississippi College

We are excited to be taking our students (6th grade-12th grade) to CentriFuge at Mississippi College!

At Centrifuge, students are divided into groups for recreation and Bible study based on age ranges by grade completed.

Recreation is facilitated within Bible study groups by a member of the trained FUGE camp staff, who also leads the Bible study. Each activity serves a specific purpose and is debriefed so students can make application in their lives.

Students also participate in Track Times. Track Times are created to give students the opportunity to participate in something with which they are familiar, or try something new! Students are divided into “tracks” based on a list of activities they indicate during the registration process. The camp offers creative, active, performance, and classroom-based activities during these times, and each track is led by a member of the FUGE staff.

A typical day at Centrifuge consists of Morning Celebration, Recreation, Quiet Time & Bible Study, Lunch, Track Times, Hang Time, Dinner, Worship, Church Group Time, and Night Life! 

If you are interested, please let the church know by calling (205)525-5273! A registration link will be available soon!