Keenagers is a senior-adult ministry that exists to encourage those ages 55+ to leave a lasting spiritual legacy for the generations who will be the church in the years to come. We do this through a blend of discipleship & fun! We would love to have you join us at our next meeting!

Meeting Times

Monthly Meeting
On the first Monday of each month, our Keenagers meet in the Fellowship Hall for their monthly meeting. A speaker comes at 10:30 AM, and following that, they share a potluck-style meal! Please bring a dish and a friend with you. All are welcome!
Monthly Trip
On the third Thursday of each month, our Keenagers go on a trip! The location and time change each month, so please click the button below to be taken to our "Upcoming Events" page!
Upcoming EventsOther Opportunities

Game Day
On the second & fourth Thursday of each month, a group meets at 10:00 AM in the Fellowship Hall to play card games! Bring a sack lunch with you!

Food, Fun, and Fellowship
On the third Friday night of each month at 6 PM, a group gathers for games and a potluck-style dinner! This is a great way to meet new faces at Mt. Pisgah! If you’d like to join, just bring a dish with you!